Project Updates for May
o Witness at the Border: American volunteers in Matamoros, Mexico are the only lifeline for Central American refugees caught between two governments hostile to their situation. As the U.S. asylum courts deny their claims, and the Mexican government takes daily steps to make camp life difficult, the refugees and volunteers hang on together waiting for justice. Follow the story day by day on the film’s Facebook page.
o A Portrait of the Ozarks: The Carbon Trace crew is teaming up with Missouri State University’s Department of Media, Journalism & Film, the Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning, and the MSU University Libraries for a new film: “A Portrait of the Ozarks.” This will be a sequel to the beloved, 2-part 1980 film focusing on Shannon County, Missouri. That film was also a collaboration with MSU. Watch Part 1 and Part 2 on youtube. We are currently searching for people in Shannon County who were part of the original film and raising funds for our sequel. More information can be found HERE.
o Songs From The Street: – The homeless community is normally hidden away in the cracks of Springfield, Missouri, concealed from the public eye. The Springfield Street Choir, growing in popularity since its inception, forms a sense of community and family within the homeless population. The choir gives them a chance not only to have their voices heard- but forces the public to acknowledge the humanity of the people they typically ignore and fear. Witness their stories. Hear them sing.
o All of a Sudden: “All of a Sudden” is the story of the “housing first” movement in serving the homeless. We are taking an intimate look into the lives of the residents of Eden Village in Springfield, Missouri, and discovering how they became homeless and what having a home now means to them. What is the truth — told in personal stories — of the idea that you can’t fix the problem of homelessness until you get a roof over someone’s head? Watch the teaser.
o Witness At Tornillo: Witness At Tornillo has moved to pay-per-view after winning at the KC FilmFest International 2020. It is the story of individual action against the injustice of family separations and internment camps for children at the U.S. border by using the “subversive act of seeing” to encourage us all to examine our ethics and compassion. You can watch this award-winning film HERE. |