Film Synopsis:
After two winless seasons, Central High School Basketball Coach Armando Johnson feels “defeated as a human.” For students such as Donte Reese, basketball is life. And he’s not sure what he’ll do if he can’t continue to play. For head coach Johnson, defeat is the driver of a new plan, and he’s retiring to do something about the problems he thinks cause defeat.
“Zero” explores how students, parents, and coaches handle defeat. The Central High School boys’ basketball team has not won a game in two years, and this is a story of loss and how players and coaches react to it.
“Zero” director Shakha Benbow says, “This film highlights the personal toll losing has on a group of players, coaches, and parents.” The reality of this toll is “heightened as we look through the lens of a talented high school senior and a coach in his last season.”
Watch the Film:
Zero from Carbon Trace Productions on Vimeo.
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